Your cat, Mister Carrots, needs to go to the vet, which means he has to get in his cat carrier.
But Mister Carrots generally dislikes being told what to do. Mister Carrots likes to wander your apartment aimlessly, occasionally breaking things and waggling his tail.
Enter the cucumber. It is well established that cats do not like cucumbers, and will respond to cucumbers by jumping away from them. With only your cucumbers and your wits, you must get Mister Carrots safely to his carrier… without completely destroying your apartment.
WASD Movement
Mouse-click cucumber placement and retrieval
Point deductions based on cucumber placement and retrieval
Cat behavior state machine and animations, allowing the cat to wander around the room
Visibility-based cucumber response for the cat
Mouse-click cat petting, for satiating Mister Carrots’ need for stimulus
Stylish and destructible interior decoration
Physically inspired cucumber behavior
Auditory feedback for Mister Carrots going airborne, breaking things
Calming background music
Cat carrier end goal
Group Project and Contributions
Team Members: Ellen Duong, Kangning Li and Grace Xu in Fall 2016 for Game Design Practicum
Raycasted into the the scene to detect cucumbers. Display indication of whether you’re able to pick up a cucumber or not with circle highlight in center of screen.